- New achievements in AHSS: TRIP, TWIP, MBIP (microbands induced plasticity) steels
- Nanostructured Steels: bainitic, AHSNS, Mn-steels, pearlitic…
- Green Steels: Scientific background, Technology, Ecology, Properties
- Advanced Cast Steels and Iron Alloys
- New Achievements in Phase Transformations in Steels
- Hydrogen in Steels and Cast Iron Alloys
- Innovative Technologies of Heat Treatment
- Processes Combining Heat Treatment and Thermo – Chemical Processes
- Surface Engineering of Advanced Steels and Cast Iron Alloys
- Additive Manufacturing of Iron Alloys
- New Welding Technologies of Advanced Steels
- Implementation of New Steels and Innovative Heat Treatments into the Industry
- Computer modeling in steel development